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Wels 3x CACIB 2022 Ragnarock DCDR 02.12.2022 - Winner Wels Int. Class Ecc 1 CAC CACIB BOB Wels Sieger Judge: Daniel Depil 03.12.2022 - Winter Trophy Int. Class m.b. 1 Judge: Peter Friedrich Berchtold 04.12.2022 - Christmas Winner Int. Class Ecc 1 CAC CACIB BOB Christmas Winner BOG Judge: Uschi Eisner Judge: BOG: Brigita Kremser with these results Ragnarock DCDR can be proclaimed Young Austrian Champion thanks to Tania Gamboni for the wonderful presentation!!! con Mélanie Gamboni Sabrina Botto Maurizio Setaro Diego Morani Casarini Foto: Dora Levstek Mostra meno

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